How much news actually gets reported?

I happened to be flying through New York's JFK airport last sunday and got delayed over an hour on landing and again on departure. The pilot of our flight mentioned that there was some sort of security incident but there was no mention on the JFK website or in any of the main news sites... We could see a LOT plane in a secluded area of the airport surrounded by a bunch of police / security vehicles and it looked pretty serious...

It turns out, the flight had the Polish Prime Minister (Donald Tusk) on it and someone had phoned in a bomb alert for the flight (it turned out to be a hoax).

the only websites to report this news (which delayed 100+ flights) appear to be polish websites (and 2 of the new york papers)... very little mention of it in the mainstream news...,Polish_PM_opens_visit_to_the_United_States,id,318420.htm


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