Hard Working Class Heroes '08
Hard Working Class Heroes '08 is on 12-14 September and competes with the Fringe festival. What's more, ticket prices are up some 100% since 2006. A weekend ticket through ticketmaster.ie is €44.98. According to nialler.com (currently down), the weekend ticket price in 2006 was just €22.50 (if bought directly from the festival folk). Single-day tickets have also seen a similar increase. In 2006, "80 plus bands from Ireland with six acts from Canada largely represent the indie / indie rock genre with a very small amount of artists classed as other genres such as electronica (not a gritty Irish hip hop act in sight)...". In 2008, the approach to band selection hasn't changed much and I would argue that you're comparing like-with-like. Yes - they have added some additional elements like a photo exhibition, but this hardly justifies the large increase. Ticket prices are rising dramatically and it just doesn't make sense... MCD and Aiken claim that the live ev...